About Primal Moves


A community driven primal/ground based movement studio using 'ZUU' and 'Animal Flow'. 'ZUU' is usually fast and used as conditioning by pro sports teams. Animal Flow slows things down into a 'break dance style' choreographed sequence.

We are very much an inclusive community driven space focussed on ground based group exercise.

Our aim is to help people live better lives through getting stronger and more mobile bodies, using good movement with a healthy dollop of education thrown in.

Our classes have varying degrees of difficulty to cater for different levels of fitness from beginner to advanced, we also offer our members additional 1 on 1 training to accelerate their personal development.

Primal movement is a strong, challenging but ultimately fun way to train and we're here to support you every step of the way.


So what are Primal Movements and why are they so important?

They are movements naturally developed from birth that we perform in everyday life, they include:

1) Bend (hip hinge)

2) Squat

3) Lunge

4) Rotate (twist)

5) Push

6) Pull

7) Gait (walk)

Training with these movements at the forefront to intentionally strengthen and improve our performance of them, means we are able to function in our daily activities with ease and live our best life!

Who is it for? 

EVERYBODY! We pride ourselves in creating a safe and inclusive community where members respect and support each other regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, cultural background, age, size, ability.


Media Appearances


For press and media enquires please email Dave at dave@primalmoves.com

Chanel 9 News “Primal In Preston“


Preston Leader “Back to the Future of Fitness”

First it was eating like cave men, and now we’re supposed to move like them too. Primal Moves, Preston is embracing the latest fitness trend sweeping the country.

Exercises follow the movements naturally developed from birth — the bend, squat, lunge, twist, push, pull and walk. Owner David Mummery takes classes in Zuu and animal flow, and expects the fitness craze to reach the mainstream soon. And no one will be asked to howl at the moon or dance like a monkey.

“It’s not what you’d expect,” Mr Mummery said.


3AW Breakfast “The new fitness fad is to run like an animal“

The new fitness fad is to run like an animal. A new exercise program, ZUU, which focuses on primal actions emulating movements from the animal kingdom, is gaining popularity. David Mummery, owner of Primal Moves in Preston, said ZUU is “very good for people that are in a sedentary job.”

But ZUU isn’t the only exercise trend emulating animals. A few weeks ago Ross came across this video of a Norwegian woman who has taught herself to run and jump like a horse!